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Friday, February 17, 2012

Overheard on Police Scanner

Police Surround La Vina Apartments
Nearby apartment residents were ordered to shelter in place, according to reports heard on a police scanner. The La Vina Apartments is located on Gerrilyn Way. Livermore Patch is on scene and will update this story as more information is made available ...

Hingham Scanner Tales: Two in hospital after three-car OUI crash
According to police, a 2011 Dodge pick-up truck entered Whiting Street (Route 53) from Farm Hills Lane on Thursday at 1:30 pm heading west. As it entered the street, the car accelerated rapidly, lost control, and cross into the oncoming lane.

BREAKING NEWS: Bank Robbery on Michigan St.
GRAND RAPIDS (WZZM) -- Police are on the scene of a robbery at fifth third bank in the 1300 block of Michigan Street NE, just east of Fuller Ave. According to what we are hearing on the police scanner in the WZZM 13 Information Center, authorities are ...

Robbery suspect shot and killed in Superior, Minn.
Grand Forks Herald
Superior police are on the scene at this hour near the Downtown Mobile Home Park, 409 N. 12th St.Police Chief Charles LaGesse confirmed at 6 pm that the suspect had died. Radio scanner traffic indicated that someone had grabbed some customers' purses ...

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