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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Around Town

Record-setting heat wave ushers in first day of spring
The high at Tri-Cities Regional Airport in Blountville, Tenn., was 85 degrees, shattering the previous record high of 78 degrees, set in 1948. The normal high for this time of year is 60 degrees. “That's highly unusual for it to be seven degrees above ...

Bristol isn't broken -- just susceptible to change
The hotel rooms in the Tri-Cities area are too few and too expensive. The region the speedway draws from was hammered by the recession and still is struggling to get out of it. Weather in eastTennessee in March can be unpredictable, as we witnessed ...

Synthetic Drug Shops Raided
SULLIVAN CO., Tenn. -- The Drug Enforcement Administration, working with local authorities, raided shops across the Tri-Cities. This after area agencies say some items being sold in shops contain an ingredient that is banned by the DEA.

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