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Monday, June 18, 2012

Around Town

Former WJHL Anchor and News Director Passes Away - TVSpy
Obits, Tri-CitiesTN-VA ... Lewis retired from WJHL, the CBS-affiliate in the Tri-Cities area of northeastern Tennessee and southwestern Virgina, in 2007.

The Bristol Blotter
By: Allie Robinson | ... Bristol Tennessee Police Department ... Bristol Blotter is a sampling of activity from the logs and reports of the two city police ...

The Battle of Blountville will be fought again this weekend
By: James Shea | Published: June 18, 2012 Updated: ... The Union was trying to secure rail lines in East Tennessee. After a four-hour battle, the ...

New TN Chief Medical Examiner from Quillen
Doctor John Dreyzehner, Tennessee Health Commissioner, announced Monday that Doctor Karen Cline-Parhamovich will serve in that capacity, effective July ...

Old Walmart building in Greeneville to be re-developed
"A lot of small towns in and around the Tri-Cities have a retail leakage ... New TN Chief Medical Examiner from Quillen · Senators push bill to battle fraud in ...

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